Best Selling Books of the 1900s

The books we have chosen to republish come from a collection of vintage books gathered in antique stores across the US. Each book was chosen because it was a great story, gave a feeling for a time and place, and showed courage and faith amidst adversity. These 20th century authors were able to spin stories that convey life in 1900s America in a way that allows the reader to gain some knowledge of the history of that era while being thoroughly entertained.

As it turns out, many of the authors of the books in this collection were actually best selling authors of the 1900s, as you can see from the Publishers Weekly list of best selling books for those times:

Best Selling Books in the United States for years 1900 – 1909

Best Selling Books in the United States for years 1910 – 1919

Best Selling Books in the United States for years 1920 – 1929